The site's comin' along slowly, but surely! I've put some more links in the Links page so folks can find me on a lot of the pet sites I'm on. I also got back my commission from my friend Warden for the site's header! It looks so gods damn cool; love me a spooky deer. :3c I'm also working on trying to make these blogs more accessible to get to certain areas via jump links. Which is part of the reason why I'm writing this, since you kinnnddaa need more than one blog post to test things, lol.

Other than that, I want to maybe do some work with making the homepage look good. I'm just... not sure what to put on it? It's a landing page, but I'm not really sure what people put on their landing pages normally, so maybe I'll take a look around at other folks' websites and see if I can get some inspiration for it.

Another worry I've been having while making this site is accessibility. I, myself, am disabled, and while my disabilities do not affect my sight very much, I want people to be able to read through the site without squinting or without a screenreader freaking out on them, you know? I think it probably won't be perfect off the bat (I know for a fact, afterall, that this site is currently absolutely not mobile friendly), but I'm hoping to get it better overtime so I can provide a good experience for anyone who stumbles into my little corner of the internet. Until then, I've got a lot to learn.

I'll be updating this blog entry shortly with the results of my attempts with jump links. See y'all on the flipside!


It works! :D I'm so damn excited about this! It's a great step in the right direction, but still very simple and messy right now. Eventually I want to make it so I'm able to organize things via month, date, etc and to have it maybe throw to like an 'index' kind of page. But that's a project for another day cause I've got lectures to watch for class and food to obtain for my stomach lol.